4.19.24. Renegade – Strength


3 Rounds Booty Band:

  • 2L lateral band walking
  • 15 monster band squats
  • 20.20. clamshells
  • 15.15. glute ext.


:90 tact. frog
1:00/1:00 pigeon pose


A. 20 Minutes Of:

  • 8 Back Squats
  • 10 BB PJ
  • 12 Ab Wheel
  • 1L KB Death March
  • 10.10. DB lateral to forward raises
  • rest as needed


AMRAP with time left

  • 6 double db squat clean press
  • 2L heavy db farmer carry
  • 15 empty bar curls
  • 1L OH plate lunges
  • 1:00 Row Sprint
  • 30 plate Russian twists