About Me

Don Bruce

Personal Trainer – Fitness Coach

My Story:

Everybody always says exercise and fitness is a journey. More recently I’ve started to understand that.

Within the last couple of years, my body was in a terrible place. I had pain almost everywhere. From burning in my back, to sensations of pins and needles in my elbows, and throbbing pain in my hips. I was a mess.

After multiple visits with doctors and specialists, nobody had any answers for me. This resulted in beginning my own research in managing my pain. I discovered recovery methods of stim therapy, pressure point release, and percussion therapy. After weeks or consistent rehab and therapy, I was getting better.

The joy I found in applying what I was learning inspired me to become a personal trainer and coach, so I could give back and help others struggling with their pain management, fitness and many other various goals.

Training and Education:

NASM CPT 2017-present

CPR – American Heart Association

Youth and Athletics Coach – Eagan Wave Soccer

Certified Personal Trainer – Eagan Fitness 19 – 2017-2019 Owner: Don the Fitness Coach, LLC – 2019 – present