1.1.18. New Years WOD

Coaches Notes:

Have everything set up before class starts. Determine where you want your stations prior to class starting to help with organization. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Warm Up – Coach Katie’s creation…leave on board for other classes

Part I:

A Couplet of:

  • 20 Rounds
  • 1 Barbell Clean & Jerk
  • 8 Wall Ball

Part II:

For Time

  • 31 Push Press (45/55)
  • 31 Pull-ups
  • 31 KB swings
  • 31 Butterfly Sit-ups
  • 31 Push-ups
  • 31 Box Jumps
  • 31 MB Slams
  • 31 Dips
  • 31 Back Squats (45/55)
  • 31 2-Arm DB High Pull
  • 31 MB Thrusters
  • 31 Burpees