1.10.18. Renegade – 50/50

Warm Up

(10-15 min)

Mobility Bar Warm up: 10 Ea movement per side

  • good mornings, cork screw, behind neck squat + press, angled cross-over


  • 45s/45s seated figure 4
  • 60 seconds Childs pose

Activation w. Empty Bar: 2-3 Rounds of

  • 5 shoulder shrug
  • 5 jump shrug
  • 5 high pull
  • 5 clean from above knees
  • 5 clean from below knees

PART I: HIIT(23 minutes)

6 Rounds of:

  • Exercise #1: Deadlifts – 40 seconds of work
  • Rest 20 seconds
  • Exercise #2: Alternate every other round with sit-outs & kneeling med ball slams – 20 seconds of work
  • Rest 40 seconds

***After 6 Rounds Rest 3 minutes and stretch something tight

4 Rounds of:

  • Exercise #1: Barbell Hang Cleans – 30 seconds of work
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • Exercise #2: Alternate between toe taps on med ball & underhand MB Wall toss
  • Rest 30 seconds

PART II: Strength Endurance(20-25 min)

Workout A – 40:20 x 2-3 Rounds

(switch sides after 20 seconds work)

  • staggered push ups
  • kb windmills
  • med ball lateral wall – toss

Workout B – 40 second “GO’S” x 2-3 Rounds

  • kb alternating cossack squats
  • push up planks
  • rower
  • wall sit w. kb
  • pull-ups
  • curtsy lunge w. plate OH
  • jump rope