Warm Up
Team Relay x 10 min
- P1: Sled push 1 length + 100M Row + Sled push back
- P2: Wall sit until P1 returns with sled
- P3: If 3 people then person 3 = sit ups until P1 returns with sled
- 90s/90s Front Rack Tricep Smash
- 90s/90s Adductor Barbell Smash
- 90s/90s Front Rack Stretch w. Band
- 10 Reps of “3 Part Pausing Power Snatch”
5 Rounds of a couplet of:
- 2 Hanging Power Snatch to OHS
- 1 Power Snatch
- Rest 90s and put on more weight!
Buy In = 40 second hand stand hold
- 30 Box Jumps
- 25 KBS
- 20 Air Squats
- 15 BB Push Press (45/65)
- 10 Burpees
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Burpees
- 15 BB Push Press
- 20 Air Squats
- 25 KBS
- 30 Box Jumps
Cash Out = 40 second hand stand hold