1.17.18. Renegade – 50/50

Warm Up

(23 min)

Ladder Drills x 4 Ea.

a1. Jumping Jacks

a2. High skip w. knee drive

-then 2 rounds of: 20 plank jacks + 20 v-sits

b1. Lateral Hops Forward

b2. Lateral In-in-out-out

-then 2 rounds of: 20 bicycle abs + 20 jack knives

c1. Skiers

c2. Lateral H. Knees

-then 2 rounds of: 20 high plank w. knee to elbow + 20 butterfly sit ups

d1. Ickey Shuffle

d2. Lateral Hops

-then 2 rounds of: 20 leg drops + 10/10 mermaid sit ups


  • 30s/30s Hip Flexor
  • 30s/30s Partner Shoulder Stretch (hands clasped behind neck; partner pulls elbows back)

Part I:

HIIT (23 min)

6 Rounds of 40:20

  • ex. #1: Thrusters
  • ex. #2: Alternated between killers & cone side shuffle killers

4 Rounds of 30:30

  • ex. #1: Barbell Rows
  • ex. #2: Alternate between turf (width) plate push & OH Farmer Carry + 4 plate OH presses @ end of each length

Part II:

Strength Endurance EMOMx12 Min

  • M1 – 10 kb goblet squat + press
  • M2 – 8/8 sit outs
  • M3 – 6/6 sledge hammer chops on tire
  • M4 – 15 plyo push ups
  • M5 – 15 bosu: on/on/off/off + 5 boss burpees
  • M6 – 15 MB jump slams