1.19.22. Renegade – 50:50

Warm Up

5 Minutes general mobility


  • 20 knee to elbow crossover plank + :60s scap push ups
  • oblique challenge
  • :30/30 side plank + 1:00 butterfly sit-ups

Part I:

2 Rounds of: 10/10 DB step ups to balance + 10 double kb high pull

2 Rounds of: Barbell 21’s + 1 Length Plate push + 30 plate Russian twists

Part II:

  • 1 round of: 5 pull ups
  • 2 rounds of: 200 singles + 4 Lengths sled push
  • 3 rounds of: 10 American KB Swings + 5 down dog push ups + 10 slide board abs
  • 2 rounds of: 200 singes + 4 Lengths sled push
  • 1 round of: 5 pull ups