1.24.18. Renegade – 50/50

Warm Up

2 Rounds of (12-15 min):

  • P1: 150 Single Unders
  • P2: Rower until P1 is complete


  • x2 – 1 length walking crossover hamstring stretch + 10 scap push ups
  • x2 – 1 length walking lateral lunges (l/r) + 10 down dog push ups
  • x1 – 2 lengths high skip with knee drive + 15 KGSU

Part I:

HIIT (23 min)

6 Rounds of:

  • Ex. #1 – 40s Elevated push ups (feet on box)
  • Rest 20 sec
  • Ex. #2 – 20s Alternating Power step ups on bench/box
  • Rest 40 sec

*After 6 Rounds – rest 3 minutes and stretch

4 Rounds of:

  • Ex. #1 – 30 sec underhand pullups
  • Rest 15 sec
  • Ex. #2 – 30 sec toe taps on Med Ball
  • Rest 15 sec

Part II:

Strength Endurance EMOM x 20 Min

  • M1 – 10 KBS + 10 Knees to Chest
  • M2 – 15 Hip thrusters on Ball w. 45lb plate
  • M3 – 10 Plyo Push Ups + 5/5 Rainbow Med Ball Slams
  • M4 – 15 Empty Bar Curls