1.9.20. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm up      
30″Jog + 30″ lateral lunge + 30″ sit-to-stand 2    
30″ Jog+ 30″ bent-over I’s, Y’s and T’s + 30″ PVC pass-through 2    
30″ Jog + 30″ PVC RDL + 30″ Bottom squat w/ thoracic rotation 2    
30″ Jog + 30″ Downward dog + 30″ side/side head tilt 2    
9 to 5      
A1- Kneeling Alt. SA UH band row + Froggies 9 9ea+9  
B1- MB OH throw + Alt. Cossack squat 8 8+8ea  
C1- SA KB swing to row + Decline lying hip bridge 7 7ea+7  
D1- Same side lunge jumps+ Band triceps pull back 6 6ea+6  
E1- Run + KB upright row 5 5L+ 5
Plank w/ hip tap 3 10ea  
“V” sit 3 30″  
Spiderman plank 3 10ea 60″