10.14.17 Renegade-50/50

Warm Up

  • 100 Singles – 2 Rounds of: 1 length bear crawl, 10 MB front squats, 1 length crab walk, 10 Alt Sampson Stretch
  • 100 Singles – 2 Rounds of: 1 length prone side shuffle (l), 4/4-1/4 get ups, 1 length prone side shuffle (r), 10 Down Dog-Cobra
  • 100 Singles – 2 Rounds of: SA Plate Lunge (r), 10 Plate Sit-up-press, SA Plate Lunge (l), 10/10 Plate RDL
  • 100 Singles – 2 Rounds of : Moving For. Groiners, 20 Ankle Planks, Moving Rev. Groiners, 20 Supermans


  • LAX-Glute w. int/ext rot. (2min ea)
  • SMR-low back – 2 min
  • Banded Pec Stretch – 90/90s

Part I.

13 Min Of:

10/10 KB SA Snatch + 2 Rounds Of: 10 Barbell Squats & 5 turf width lengths 25 lb plate push

10 – 2 Arm KB High Pull + 2 Rounds Of: 5 BB Deadlifts & 5 KB Strict Sit Ups

Part II.

“You Go I Go”

  • 4 Ea – Tire Flips (back and forth)
  • 4 Ea – Turf Sprint down, back-peddle back
  • 4 Ea – Burpee Box Jumps
  • 4 Ea – 100M Run