10.22.18. Renegade – Strength


(10 min)

User choice Cardio = 400M Run or 500M Row

+ 3 Rounds:
10 HR Pushups
10 KBS
10 Jack knives


:30/30 fire hydrants
:30 roll back to v-reach
:90 tactical frog


(42 min…ish)

A. Series – 3 Rounds (+ 1 warm up set)

  • 5 box back squats
  • 10/10 – 1/2 knee lateral med ball wall throw
  • rest :90

B. Series – 4 Rounds:

  • 6/6 barbell rev. lunges
  • 5/5 db drop lunge to SA push jerk
  • :20 banded high knees – band fixed to rig
  • rest :60

C. Series – 3/4 Rounds:

  • 10/10 db bench/box step-ups
  • 2L heavy sled push
  • 5/5 kb lateral lunge to bottoms up press
  • 8 db pull-overs
  • rest :30