Coaches Note: Only use finisher if time remains or as extra credit.
Mobilty – one L of turf (5 min)
Open the gate
Cradle walk
Standing: 20 sec. each
leg swings- lateral & front to back; ankle circles
Activation 20:10 x2 (6 minutes)
Cossack squat
MB jump slam
Partner high 5 plank
Partner MB side toss
Workout 1: 2 groups: Row & Run (36 min)
Group A
Rows alternate w/ kb farmer’s walk(R) above head down & (L) above head coming back + Sit Ups until row is complete
100m; 200m; 300m; 200m; 100m
Group B
Runners alternate with lateral walking push-ups – 1 L of turf + alternating lunges until Run is complete
Run incline 3/ speed: sprint
1 min.; 2 min.; 3 min.; 2 min.; 1 min.
***Groups switch
Workout 2: EMOM 2 Rounds (10 min)
M1-8 MB figure 8’s + reverse plank hold to :40
M2-10 burpees w/ push up
M4-10 MB squat to press + toe taps on MB to :40
M5-15 sit outs
Finishers (2 sets) (10 min)
10 ea. Cat/Cow 10 Down dog push ups
5 ea. All 4’s Thoracic twist 10 ea. Side planks w/ arm crunch