11.17.17. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up x 3

  • 10 sec IN PLACE high knees
  • Lunge to 1st cone
  • 10 sec IN PLACE butt kicks
  • Lunge to 2nd cone
  • 10 sec IN PLACE jumping jacks
  • Reverse lunge to 2nd cone
  • 10 sec IN Place mountain climbers
  • Reverse lunge to start
  • repeat

Activation x 2

  • 60 sec – squat hold + 1 squat jump every 10 sec
  • 60 sec – plank + 1 push every 10 sec
  • 60 sec – supermans ISO + 1 release every 10 sec


  • 90 sec – Tactical Frog stretch

Strength Circuit #1

a1. 5×8 Barbell Squats

a2. 2 lengths OH KB farmer carry

a3. 12/12 single arm DB rows off bench

***rest 45 sec

Strength Circuit #2

b1. 10/10 Elevated (35lb plate) DB reverse lunges

b2. 12-15 barbell or db skull crushers

***rest 45 sec


AMRAP w. time left

  • 2 Lengths sled push
  • 10 Diamond push ups
  • 10 sit-ups with med ball
  • burpees until start sled push