12.14.17. Barbell Foundations


  • LAX seated fig 4 (2 min ea)
  • T-Spine SMR (90s)
  • Active Sampson (60s)
  • Tactical Frog (90s)
  • Banded Lat Stretch (60s ea)

Complete in succession: x 5

  • Squating Quad Stretch w. Barbell – 10 sec
  • Muscle Snatch Stretch – 10 sec
  • OH Squat Hold – 10 sec

Activation x4

  • 3 High pull
  • 3 muscle snatch f/mid – thigh
  • 3 power snatch f/mid – thigh (speed)
  • 3 power snatch to OH squat f/mid – thigh
    • hold power snatch for 3 sec then drop to oh squat
  • 3 speed squat snatch – from mid – thigh

Technique x 5 (3 part pausing power snatch)

  • From Ground position with minimal weight
    • pause #1 – start position
    • pause #2 – from knees
    • pause #3 – from hips
    • snatch – power snatch
  • then repeat 3 Part Pausing Power snatch + OH Squat (x5)

Practice – 7 min squat snatch

  • sets of 4


For time:

  • 10 Hang Cleans
  • 10 Pull ups
  • 10 Power snatch
  • 20 KB swings
  • 200 singles
  • 20 KB swings
  • 10 Power snatch
  • 10 Pull ups
  • 10 Hang Cleans