12.21.17. Barbell Foundations

Warm Up

For 4 Min:

  • walk 1 length w. high knee grabs
  • jog 1 length
  • run 1 length
  • sprint 1 length


  • 90s/90s kb calf smash
  • 60s pvc pass throughs
  • 90s/90s banded Sampson stretch
  • In a low squat hold
    • 10/10 SA raise
    • 5/5 cross-over grip raise
    • 10 mobility bar front raise snatch

Technique WOD

  • 3 part pausing power snatch

Snatch Practice – 15 minutes

  • 5-6×4 Power Snatch to OH Squat
  • rest 90 sec each round


Every 90s on the 90s

  • 2 Heavy Power Snatch to OH Squat + 10 bar hop-overs
  • 4/4 SA DB Jerk + 2/2 goblet lateral lunges
  • 10 close grip push ups
  • rest 90 sec and stretch