2.22.19. Renegade – Strength


20:10 x 4 Rounds Each:
a) wide – outs + down dog push ups
rest 1:00
b) lateral leap to SL stabilization + sit-outs


:90 tactical frog
:45/45 Childs pose w. SA lat stretch (L/R)


A. Series – E2Mon2M For 12 Min

  • 8 Back Squats (120/165)

B. Series – Pyramid Set Of:

  • weighted step-ups per leg (heavy to light)
  • UH pull-ups (increase bands as needed – each set as hard as possible)
  • barbell upright rows (heavy to light)
  • db skull crushers (heavy to light)
  • rest 1:00

C. Series – 2-3 Rounds Stabilization

  • 5/5 box depth jump to SL stabilization
  • 5/5 unilateral bottoms up kb OH press
  • 10/10 SL med ball slams
  • rest NA