2.26.18. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up

6 minutes of:

  • jog 1 length-back peddle + sprint 1 length-back peddle + side shuffle 1 length (L/R)
  • 5 down dog push ups + 5 sit-ups + 5 air squat to calf raise


  • 90s/90s barbell adductor smash
  • 90s tactical frog stretch


Squat warm up: 2 sets of 4 reps

EMOM x 10 Min

  • perform 2 Barbell Back Squats – HEAVY (115/185)


5 Rounds of:

  • 1 Arm DB step-up to rev. lunge (5/5 – L&R)
  • 7 Pull Ups


3 Rounds of:

  • 15 GHB Sit-ups
  • 10 Feet Elevated Push-ups


Max Rounds with Time Left:

  • 30s/30s Max SA DB Hang Clean to Jerk
  • 30s Air Squats
  • 30s Singles