2.9.18. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up

(16-18 min)

30:15 x 4 Ea group

a. walk out plank + reach

a. med ball front squats

b. side plank r w. leg raise

b. side plank l w. leg raise

b. supermans


:30s pvc pass throughs

:30s pvc lateral flexion

:30s alt hamstring stretch


Strength Ladders

(20-22 min)

a1. Deadlifts –   (w: (m:

a2. BB Strict Press – (w: (m:

a3. 15 sec. hand stand hold – 1 every round


2 rounds of:

  • 20 db chest press
  • 20/20 body weight step-ups


(with time left)

Groups of 2

a. (pacer) HEAVY sled push down + pull back w. tax handles x 2

b. walking bw lunges

c. kb swings

d. med ball sit ups

e. box jumps

f. HR push ups

g. med ball slams

*COACHES NOTE: If not enough for groups of 2 then 1 person at each station. If not enough to fill all stations then drop your choice of stations.