3.19.19. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
SMR & Mobility
SMR back + Cat/cow 1 60″+15
SMR calves + Heel walk 1 60″+2L
SMR hamis + sit-to-stand 1 60″EA+15
SMR IT bands + “L” stretch 1 60″EA+10ea
Activation: You-go-I-go
MB chest pass 3 40
Lateral bounds 3 1L ea.
Downward dog push-up 3 10
Grapevine 3 1L ea.
Cash-in: 25 each KB/DB traveling lunge
A1- Rower 4 150M
A2- DB hip thruster 4 15
A3- Bosu skier jumps 4 20ea
A4- BB inverted row 4 15
A5- Hop-ups 4 15
Cash-out: 25 each KB/DB traveling lunge
Timed reps
B1- KB Goblet clean to goblet squat to KB swing 8 30″ 30″
A1- Plank w/ hip tap 3 10ea
A2- Penguins 3 15ea
A3- SA KB OH walk 3 1L ea. 60″