3.27.19. Renegade – 50:50


5 Minutes General/Dynamic Mobility Flexibility


3 Rounds Ea (20:10):

  • a) lateral cone 2 feet hops + TRX rows
  • rest 1:00
  • b) burpees + KB postural sit-ups
  • rest 1:00
  • c) speed ladder high knees + hanging knees to chest from rig
  • rest 1:00


A. 4 minute AMRAP

  • 15 mountain climbers
  • 15 sumo deadlift high-pulls (55/75)

Rest 2:00

B. 4 minute AMRAP

  • 12 barbell front squats
  • 12 over the bar burpees

Rest 2:00

C. 4 minute AMRAP

  • 9 mountain climbers
  • 9 sumo deadlift high pulls

Rest 2:00

D. 4 minute AMRAP

  • 6 barbell front squats
  • 6 over the bar burpees

Rest 2:00


Partner You-Go-I-Go x 9 Rounds EA

  • 2L partner banded sprint
  • 2L OH farmer plate carry
  • 10 butterfly sit-ups