3.30.22. Renegade – 50:50


3 Rounds Of:

  • 30s Jumping Jacks + 2 Lengths walking RDL. + 6 rotational push ups
  • 20s Mountain climbers + 2 Lengths bear crawl + 6/6 SL Squat
  • 10s High knees in place + 2 Lengths active spiderman + 6 Burpee push ups


3 x 4 Min Strength AMRAPS – Rest 2 minutes between amraps

A1. Core Series

  • 20 sit-outs
  • 20 plank + reach forward
  • 20 knee grab sit ups

A2. KB Farmer Series

  • 2 lengths – 1 Arm overhead 1 Arm down – switch after 1 length
  • 2 lengths Front rack carry
  • 2 lengths Farmer carry

A3. DB Combo Series

  • 6 DB thrusters
  • 6 DB bent over rows
  • 6 DB curls
  • 6 DB upright rows
  • 6 DB lunges (3/3)


3 x 4 Min Conditioning AMRAPS – rest 2 minutes between amraps

B1. 4 Min Hard Row

B2. 4 Min Hill Run @ 4% Incline

B3. Get as far up the ladder in 4 min as possible of Burpees & Mermaid sit-ups(per side) with rep count of:

  •…….keep going up the ladder if you can