3.7.18. Renegade – 50:50

Warm Up

  • 1L Sampson stretch
  • 1L Rev. Lunges
  • x 3 of YTWL stretches
  • 1L side lunges – R
  • 1L side lunges – L
  • 15 Air squats to Med Ball
  • 1L Heel strike walk
  • 1L soldier walks
  • 10 x scap look-ups (prone)
  • 1L spider crawl
  • 1L rev. crab walk
  • 15 Med Ball Squat + Toss


A. 10 Min KB Complex of:

  • 10 KB reach to swing
  • 5/5 kb rev. lunges
  • 10 kb squat clean
  • 10 kb close grip push ups
  • 5 kb high pull
  • rest 45 sec

B. 10 Min of:

  • 8 inverted barbell rows
  • 1L broad jumps
  • :40 hand stand hold
  • 6/6 slide board rev. lunges


20 minutes of:

a. 5/4/3/2/1  +  b. 15/14/13/12/11

a1. turf length sprints + b1. table top knee to elbow (per side)

a2. prisoner lunges (per side) + b2. plank push ups

a3. split jumps (per side) + b3. butterfly sit-ups

a4. cal rows + b4. rev. plank dips