3.9.22. Renegade – 50:50


1 round of:

  • 20 jumping jacks
  • 10/10 mb partner squat toss
  • 20 wide-outs
  • 10/10 mb partner lateral toss
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 10/10 OH bounce toss
  • 20 total bw lunges
  • 10/10 mb seated chest pass to partner
  • 20 partner clap plank
  • 10/10 partner leg drops


3 Rounds of Pacer Work

P1: (PACER) 4 Lengths Heavy Sled Push

P2: singles until P1 completes

P3: (if more than 4 people) wall sits until P1 completes

P4: (if more than 6 people) mb wall ab toss until P1 completes


A. 2 rounds

  • 1 Minute sprints (down backs)
  • 10 2 arm kb clean to press
  • 6/6 lateral squat jumps
  • 10 renegade rows (no push ups)
  • 20 scissor kicks

*Rest 2 minutes after 2 rounds completed

B. 2 rounds

  • 1 Minute hard row
  • 20 Amer. KBS
  • 6/6 sit outs
  • 10 barbell high pulls
  • 20 flutter kicks

*Rest 2 minutes after 2 rounds completed



2 rounds of:

  • 1 Length OH KB Carry (2 arm) + 1L Front Rack Carry + 1L Farmer Carry
  • 3/3 Tire flips
  • 5/5 hammer swings
  • 3-3 count pull-ups (3-1-3)