4.17.23. Renegade – Strength


7 Minute Sled Push Relay (Empty)


2 Rounds:

  • 15 monster band OH press
  • 15 monster band RDL
  • 15 supermans


2 Rounds:

1:00 traveling hip ext. rotation
1:00 rig – lateral high bar step-over
1:00 bottom squat hold


A. Series – 4 Rounds:

  • 10 seated L floor barbell OH press
  • 15 db OH tri-ext
  • rest :90

B. Series – 3 Rounds

  • 10 bent over barbell rows
  • 15 barbell curls
  • 5 negative pushups (5-1-1)
  • max hollow hold
  • rest 1:00


:30 go’s with time left

  • banded sprint – back peddle (2 bands looked-fixed to rig)
  • plate OH situps
  • DB front squats
  • rower sprint
  • OH plate hold