5.18.18. Renegade – Strength


(12 Min)

Movement Drills

  • 2L Walking Air Squats
  • 2L Walking RDL
  • 2L Lateral Lunge & Reach
  • 2L Lunge w. Knee Grab


3 Lot Laps

  • 1st – slow
  • 2nd – faster
  • 3rd – fastest


:90 Childs Pose


(23 Min)

a1. 3×3 Deadlifts (120/205)
a2. 5 Max Height Box Jumps to Depth Jump to Broad Jump
a3. 8/8 SA DB Bench Rows (25/45)
*Rest :90

b1. 3×10/10 Barbell Rev. Lunges
b2. 10 KB Goblet Squat Jumps
b3. 10 Med Ball Jump Slams
b4. 10 DB OH Tri-Ext
*Limited Rest


3-4 Rounds For Time Of:

  • 800 Meter Run (Start/Finish outback – sprint around building to street, back through entrance of lot, to back of RPTF building and back inside through back door)
  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 15 Barbell Shoulder to Overhead (45/65)
  • 20 Sit-Ups