5.27.19. Renegade – Strength


Pull-up challenge


3 parking lot runs:

  • 1st – slow
  • 2nd – medium
  • 3rd – fast


2 Rounds:

  • 10/10 SL squat
  • 15 glutei bridges
  • 2L lateral band walk


1:00/1:00 pigeon pose
1:00 Childs pose


*If more than 6 people split class into groups and start at different series

A. Series – E90on90 x 10 Rounds:

  • 10 back squats (95/115)

B. Series – Push/Pull – 5 Rounds:

  • 2L heavy sled push
  • 15 slide board leg curls
  • rest 1:00

C. Core Series – 3 Rounds (everyone together):

  • 15/15 banded core twists
  • 15/15 side plank crunches
  • 25 crunches with feet up