6.15.23. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Wall slides 1 10
Ankle walk 1 10ea
Tabletop to tripod 1 10ea
1/2 kneeling thoracic rotation 1 10ea
Burpees 2 10
Traveling Lunge 2 2L
Band external shoulder rotation 2 15ea
A1- MB slams 8 6
A2- KB deadlift 8 6
A3- Same side lunge jump 8 6ea
B1- Squat jumps 8 5
B2- MB lateral throw 8 5ea
B3- Band chest press 8 5
C1- SL box squat 8 4ea
C2- Roll-to-elbow 8 4ea
C3- Hop-ups 8 4
High pledge plank 3 10ea
Lying flutter kicks 3 20ea
SB stir the pot 3 10ea 60″