6.20.19. Renegade – Barbell Foundations


EMOM x 5 Minutes:

  • empty bar FR squat hold until :30 mark + 5 OH press


3 Rounds Of:

  • 2L kb good mornings
  • 12 wall facing KB squats
  • 2L act. sampson


:90 Foam Roll/Barbell T-Spine Extension
1:00/1:00 side lying floor trace
1:00/1:00 front rack stretch on 1/2 knee w. towel
1:00 Childs pose


2 Warm Up Sets Of Front Squats

A. EMOM x 10 Minutes:

  • 2 heavy FS

B. Series – 4 Rounds:

  • 6 heaving snatch to balance
  • 12 TRX rear delt flys
  • rest :90

C. Series – 3 Rounds:

  • 10/10 db lateral lunges
  • 15 slide board abs
  • rest 1:00


20 burpees