6.29.21. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Inch worm + downward dog 1 10
Sit to stand 1 15
Ankle walk 1 10ea
Komodo dragon 1 10ea
SMR triceps 1 60″ea
PVC squat 3 10
Band internal shoulder rotation 3 10ea
High knees 3 10ea
A1- BB hang clean 4 10
A2- BB front squat 4 10
A3- BB upright row 4 10
A4- BB RDL 4 10 60″
B1- Sled push 4 2L
B2- Side/side MB slams 4 8ea
B3- Bosu up-up-down-down 4 25
B4- SA KB swing to row 4 10ea
B5- Lateral leaps 4 15ea 30″
1/2 kneeling KB windmill 3 10ea
Lying ab brace 3 25″
Plank w/ finger tap 3 10ea 60″