6.30.20. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm up
Bird dog 3 10ea
Wall slides 3 10
Forward folds and roll ups (spinal roll up) 3 3
High bear hold 3 10 breaths
BW tempo squat (3-0-1-0) 3 10
Bear crawl (Fwd/Bkwd) 3 5ea
Lying hip bridge 3 10
A1- Dbl. KB swing 3 21/18/15
A2- Alt. DB front rack reverse lunge 3 21/18/15 each as needed
Buy in/Cash out
Buy in: Plate push 8W
B1- SA Squat to shoulder press 5 10ea
B2- Push-ups 5 10
B3- BW Squat 5 20
Bash out: Plate push 8W as needed
1/2 kneeling KB windmill 3to4 8ea
Russian twist w/ plate 3to4 15ea
Plank 3to4 30″ 60″