7.2.18. Renegade – Strength

*July Nutrition Challenge: cut the condiments. ex. 1 serving of ketchup = 20 cal, 4 grams sugar. sub mustard for ketchup
*July challenges: continue with burpee challenge and introduce 5k singles in 5 weeks. Coaches will either build in singles to workout or have members perform before class


(12 min)

5 Rounds Of:

  • 100 singles
  • 1/1 Heavy Turkish Getups


2 min wall-hip stretch (legs @ v position)
:90 wall adductor stretch (feet neutral)


For 22 minutes perform:

  • Round 1 – 8 barbell push jerk + 15 barbell skull crushers
  • rest :60
  • Round 2 – 15 db bent over 2 arm quick rows + 20 trx bicep curls
  • rest :60
  • Round 3 – 12 kb goblet squats + 16 total ice skaters
  • rest :60


(22-25 min)

Buy In = 16 burpees

  • 400M Med ball run
  • 1 rope climb (2 mod rope climbs)
  • 20 KBS
  • 5 back squats (85/135)
  • 400M med ball run
  • 1 rope climb
  • 15 KBS
  • 10 back squats
  • 400M med ball run
  • 1 rope climb
  • 10 KBS
  • 15 back squats
  • 400M med ball run
  • 1 rope climb
  • 5 KBS
  • 20 back squats

Cash Out = 16 burpees