7.27.18. Renegade – Strength


(12 min)

:30 (outside)

  • jumping jacks
  • cone jog
  • active sampson (in place)
  • cone jog
  • curbside mountain climbers
  • cone jog
  • alt. lateral lunges
  • cone jog


3 Rounds Of (inside):

  • 15 banded squats
  • 15 banded good mornings
  • 15 monster band rows – bent-over


:60 Childs pose
:60/60 pigeon pose
:60/60 calve stretch


(15 min)

A. Series: 4 Rounds

  • 5 barbell bench press
  • 10 bent over barbell rows
  • rest :90


Partner Relay With Time Left

P1 – 600M Run (2 x’s around building – stay to the outside of the rock islands)
P2 – 100 singles + 50 crunches with feet up + 25 push ups
*For members needing to row, have the rower use a runner as the timer