(11 min)
3 Rounds:
1:00 Row/Bike/Run
1L KB Traveling Good-mornings
10 HR Pushups
:45/45 Fire Hydrants
:30 Roll back – v – reach
:90 Childs pose
*split members into groups / 1:00 rest after 10 min of work
A. Series – 10 Minutes (middle section of rig)
- 12 deadlifts
- 1L OH SA KB Carry – R
- 1L OH SA KB Carry – L
- 15 butterfly sit-ups
B. Series – 10 Minutes (right section of rig)
- 12 back squats
- 10 box jumps
- 12 back extensions
C. Series – 10 Minutes (left section of rig)
- 12 push press
- 15 kneeling OH med ball throw
- 8/8 sledge hammer swing on tire
D. Series – 10 Minutes (cable unit)
- 12 pull-ups
- 1L Burpee – Jump – Push sled with shoulders/arms as far as possible (in 1 push), repeat for 1 length of turf
- 12 DB hammer curls