12.20.21. Renegade – Strength

Warm Up: (12-14 Min)


  • 1/2 length inch worm
  • 1/2 length forward groiners
  • 1/2 length rev. groiners
  • 1/2 length crab walk


4 Rnds Tabata 20:10

  • sa kb clean – r
  • sa kb clean – l
  • high knees – in place


  • 60s Pigeon pose ea side
  • 60s Childs pose


Strength (15-20 Min)

*Reverse Pyramid

a1. 12-10-8-6-4-2 BB Strict Press

a2. 12-10-8-6-4-2 Deadlifts

*Rest :90

WOD (27 Min)


  • 10 Deficit Push ups f/45lb plates
  • Prisoner lunges to end of turf
  • 10 Barbell Push Press
  • Prisoner lunges back to start


4 Rounds of 30:15

  • Pull Ups
  • Burpees
  • ISO squat hold
  • ISO banded bicep curl @ 90 degrees