4.17.18. Renegade – Interval


(23 min)

40:20 x 4

  • singles & walk out plank and reach

*rest 60s

30:15 x 4

  • jumping jacks & air squat to med ball

*rest 60s

20:10 x 4

  • mountain climbers & alt. lunges

*rest 60s


  • 60s/60s wall calve stretch


(37 min)


  • 1 Round of: 30s hand stand hold
  • 2 Rounds of: 2/2 Turkish get ups
  • 3 Rounds of: 3 lengths sled push
  • 4 Rounds of: 100 singles
  • 5 Rounds of: 45s incline treadmill run @ 5% incline
  • 4 Rounds of: 20 2-arm rope waves + 5/5 Prisoner lunges
  • 3 Rounds of: 5/5 SA KB Snatchs
  • 2 Rounds of: 3 down back sprints
  • 1 Round of: 30s hand stand hold