5.19.22. Renegade – Interval

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Warm up: You-go-I-go
Walking Sled push (moderate weight) 2 2 lengths
Band external shoulder rotation 2 10ea
Goblet Alt. Reverse lunge (light weight) 2 10ea
Squat jumps 2 12
MB chest pass (use hard MB’s) 2 40
Knee drivers 1 10ea
PVC pass-through 1 15
LAX seated glute 1 90″ea
Quadruped thoracic rotation 1 10ea
A1- Run 3 1/2 the building
A2- Band rear delt. Flies 3 15
A3- SA DB snatch 3 10ea
A4- Spiderman plank 3 10ea
B1- Run 3 1/2 the building
B2- Renegade row 3 8ea
B3- Lateral line hops 3 20ea
B4- SB body saw 3 12
C1- Run 3 1/2 the building
C2- DB scap raise 3 15
C3- Mtn. climbers 3 20ea
C4- SB stir the pot 3 10ea