Fat Loss Tip #2

Fat Loss Tip #2: Supplementation
When your goal is fat loss, there are two issues that come to mind.

1) Are you regular? Ask yourself this….does it stink and sink or is it light brown and float….ladies be serious now. Are you going 1-3 times per day or are you likely to skip a day here and there?

2) Does your body store food as fat or does it burn it as energy? There are two things are body can do with the food we ingest: store it as fat or burn it as energy. Chances are, if you are on the smellier side of #2, you are storing your food as fat!

If you are storing your food as fat, are irregular (most of you are), then you are constipated. Constipation causes us to feel bloated, sluggish, lazy, irritable, gassy, etc., and is a result from poor nutrition, lack of sleep, low-fiber-intake, lack of exercise.
Supplementation can help you eliminate your constipation!
Here are two Advocare product that is widely used to keep you regular and keep you burning fat!

W38111)Probiotic Restore will accomplish…..

To Purchase Probiotic Restore, copy and paste link into your web browser:

  • Helps maintain normal beneficial intestinal microflora
  • Supports healthy intestinal function
  • Enhances weight management
  • Improves nutrient absorption
  • Aids in good digestion
  • Provides immune system support
  • Helps relieve symptoms of occasional constipation
  • Get added digestive health benefits with Fiber Drink

W31712)Herbal Cleanse will accomplish…..

To Purchase Herbal Cleanse, copy and paste link into your web browser:

  • Available in Citrus and Peaches & Cream
  • Helps rid the body of toxins and waste
  • Supports improved digestion and thorough internal cleansing
  • Provides 10 grams of fiber per day
  • Helps remove impurities from the body
  • Supports healthy weight loss
  • Get even more digestive benefits with Digest-Ease

    ***These are two products I always recommend to anyone starting a fat loss program. Please leave comments if you have questions or want to let us know how these products are working for you.

    Until next time……