Recipe Of The Month: Anabolic Muffins

This is our first nutritious recipe posting. Though our taste-buds may or may not allow for us to enjoy different foods, please keep an open mind with these recipes. Feel free to adjust or modify recipes to your taste-buds likings, and please post recipe modifications so we may make the recipes more enjoyable. IDEAS ARE ENCOURAGED, as we are all searching for a healthier way of life.

This first recipe is a Protein Packed Muffin great for breakfast or any late morning snack. Eggwhite protein combined with apples, berries, oatmeal and yam mixture is a great way to start off any morning.

Paper muffin shells
1 yam or sweat potato
12-16 egg whites
3-4 cups oatmeal
1 cup apple sauce
1 cup chopped apple
1 cup blue berries (optional)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Cook yam in microwave until fully cooked.
In a large mixing bowl, put the insides of yam and mix with cinnamon until creamy. Add egg whites, oatmeal, apple sauce and then mix. Then add chopped apples and blueberries. Place paper muffin shells in muffin pan and fill ¾’s with muffin batter. Cook 8-14 minutes until done. Check with toothpick for texture.
