5.19.22. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP 2L High Knees 2L Lateral High Knees 2L Butt Kicks 2L High Knee Skip 2L Karoka 2L Karoka High Knee Mobility :90/9...

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5.12.22. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP :30 Med ball foot taps Inch worms Walking RDL :20 Med ball foot taps Active spiderman Med ball dead lifts :15 Me...

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5.5.22. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP 3x400M Run 1st – slow 2nd – medium 3rd – fast -then- 2 Rounds Of: :30 wall sits :15 push ups :30 bottom sq...

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4.21.22. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP :20 jumping jacks + 2L active warrior pose + 10 KGSU :20 mountain climbers + 2L bear crawl + 10 supermans :20 jo...

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4.14.22. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP 4 lengths side shuffle + 2 lengths open gate + 1 length groiners 4 lengths jog + 2 lengths close gate + 1 length...

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3.31.22. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP 2 min run/row + 20s ea. of 4 line drills 2 min run/row + 2L ea of high knees + butt kicks + high knee skip 2 min...

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3.24.22. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP 10 Minutes Of: a1. hand over hand rope sled pulls + push back a2. 2 lengths heavy farmer carry -then- 2 lengths ...

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3.3.22. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

Warm Up :45s light rowing + inchworms :45s medium rowing + low alt. cocask squats :45s fast rowing + air squats – doub...

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2.24.22. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

WARM UP :30s Run @ 1 % Incline + 5 plate sit ups + 3/3 BW lunges :30s Run @ 3 % Incline + 5 plate sit ups + 3/3 BW lunge...

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2.17.22. Renegade – Barbell Foundations

Warm Up :60s – easy row + inch worms :60s – medium row + inch worms + active sampson :60s – fast row + inch worms ...

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