12.22.23. Christmas WOD

Warm Up a. 1L active spidermans             b. 1L active sampson            c. :30 down dog cobra a. 2L quad...

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9.11.23. 9-1-1 Tribute WOD

WARM UP 30:15 x 2 Rounds Each: a. side lunge to balance – R + side lunge to balance – L + short lever plank & re...

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5.30.22. Memorial Day WOD

WARM UP (24 min) You Go I Go 5 – 2L banded high knees 5 – 2L banded sprints 5 – 2L banded back peddle 5 – 2L ban...

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12.31.21. New Years Eve WOD

WARM UP 5 Minutes Empty Sled Push Relay -then- 1:00 Childs pose 1:00/1:00 pigeon pose 1:00/1:00 banded lat stretch New Y...

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12.24.21. 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS

Warm Up a. 1L active spidermans             b. 1L active sampson            c. :30 down dog cobra a. 2L quad...

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11.24.21. Renegade – 50:50 (TDAY WOD)

WARM UP 2 Rounds: 5/5 side lunges 10 jack knives 10 supermans -then- :90 Childs pose 1:00/1:00 couch stretch PART I. “...

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1.1.2021. New Years Day WOD

WARM UP 7 minutes of: 1L walking lunges 1L rev. lunges 2L jog 2L run 2L sprint 2L side shuffle MOBILITY :60/60 couch str...

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9.11.20. TRIBUTE WOD

WARM UP 30:15 x 2 Rounds Each: a. side lunge to balance – R + side lunge to balance – L + short lever plank & re...

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12.30.19. Renegade – “PRE” New Years Eve WOD

WARM UP 5 Minutes Empty Sled Push Relay -then- 1:00 Childs pose 1:00/1:00 pigeon pose 1:00/1:00 banded lat stretch New Y...

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12.23.19. 12 Days Of Christmas WOD

WARM UP 3 Rounds: :60 singles :45 air squats :30 KGSU :15 HR Push-ups MOBILITY 5 Minutes SMR 12 Days Of Christmas WOD Fo...

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