2 Postings In One

This posting may be a little longer than most, but please read on as we find the information invaluable!

Rocco.dispritoPosting #1: Nutrition/Fat Loss Tips:
The world renown chef, Rocco Disprito has a newly published book: “Now Eat This: 150 Of America’s Favorite Comfort Foods.” All recipe’s are under 350 calories.

Found at the most inexpensive price on Amazon.com

I purchased this book for my own use and found it to be very informational. The recipes give us healthy alternatives to our favorite foods.

For those looking for healthy alternatives, we highly recommend this!

Posting #2: Supplement Promotion of The Month: Advocares HERBAL CLEANSE

After a long winter, snow, salt and stuffy houses, most of us participate in the Minnesota tradition of SPRING CLEANING.

We sweep out the garage, empty our closets, put away our winter jackets and cleanse our homes by opening the windows and letting the summer breeze work its magic.

So after the few days of work, you’ve got a clean house. With the winter mess abscent, we have the occassional bbq, enjoying the summer months with our friends and family. The grill cooks, the beer is poured and we enjoy the outdoors.

But what about your body? As Minnesotans, we are often confined to comfort foods throughout the winter months, which aren’t necessarily the healthiest of foods for our digestion system. That’s why we cannot stress enough importance to give our body a spring cleaning, much like our homes.


W3171Here is what Advocares Herbal Cleanse will do for you:

Helps rid the body of toxins and waste*
Supports improved digestion and thorough internal cleansing*
Provides 10 grams of fiber per day
Helps remove impurities from the body*
Supports healthy weight loss*
Recommended every 90 days

To order Advocare Herbal Cleanse or find out more information about our amazing FAT LOSS products, please visit any of the links on the right hand side of this page!