Are You Kidding Me?

Over the past few years, the Travel Channel has created and aired its popular TV series, “Man vs Food”. The shows host, Adam Richman competes in America’s most compelling food challenges. His goal: to conquer these high-calorie, belly-filling, tongue-scorching challenges in a certain amount of time.


I hate to admit, but I am a huge fan of the show. Although very unhealthy, most of the time the food looks compellingly delicious. I can’t say that I’d ever have any desire to partake in these challenges but it would be untrue to say that I have not visited a few of these restaurants featured on the hit T.V. show.

Despite Adam’s extremely high caloric-intake, he has surprisingly seemed to keep his weight relitively consistant throughout the history of the show (although I am sure he is suffering from other health problems brought on by his excessive eating). But if Adam ever discovers the 109,000 Bacon Burger featured on, I’d be surprised if he maintains his slightly overweight figure.

109,000 Bacon Burger

Click the link above to read about everything wrong with this “Boss Bacon Burger”. The article does not include calories, fat grams, etc. So we’ve done the math for you. What we found is shocking!

Burger Calories = + 109,000Calories from just bacon = 55,020
Fat from 900 slices of bacon = 4,249g/6,537 % of daily value
Calories f/Fat from bacon = 38,241
Saturated Fat = 1,397.3g/6986% of daily value
Sodium f/Bacon = 234,927mg/9,789% of daily value
Cholesterol f/Bacon = 11,187mg/3,729% of daily value

All I have to say is “Bacon does not make everything better….GROSS!”